Published in AI

Intel expects $299 2-in-1s next year

by on30 July 2013

Cheap, but late

Intel is planning to meet with supply chain partners in Taipei this week to discuss ways of cutting prices of 2-in-1 hybrids.

It is no secret that Intel is pinning its hopes on hybrids, or 2-in-1s as it likes to call them, but the price points it is gunning for are interesting.

Intel veep Zane Ball told reporters that prices of 2-in-1 devices should tumble next year, as components get cheaper. He said most companies can offer $399 2-in-1s, but Intel hopes it can push the price down to $299 sometime next year.

However, it should be noted that Intel made similarly optimistic forecasts about Ultrabooks, but they failed to materialize on time. At $399, Intel powered hybrids sound interesting, but at $299 they could really start to make a difference.

More here.


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