Hackers can mimic iPhone reboots and keep iOS malware installed
Published in Mobiles

If only there was a phone with good security

The Tame Apple Press is reeling after a security firm announced it was possible to block and simulate an iOS restart operation.

Meta’s top spinner flees the building
Published in News
Tuesday, 11 January 2022 12:32

Meta’s top spinner flees the building

Too many fires to put out

Meta's Vice President of Global Communications John Pinette has told colleagues that he is leaving the company, just as the company has several key PR disasters to handle.

Open source developer burns own libraries
Published in News
Tuesday, 11 January 2022 12:29

Open source developer burns own libraries

Protesting against not giving back to the community

Popular open-source libraries colors and faker were defaced by their creator as the open saucey equivalent of a suicide bombing.

Apple thinks annoying teens will get them to switch from Android
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How to make your users even more annoying by turning them into bullies

Fruity cargo cult Apple thinks that its colour coding of SMS messages will force teens to switch from Android to Apple.

Apple can't get sensors to go on watch
Published in News
Monday, 10 January 2022 12:57

Apple can't get sensors to go on watch

Blood Pressure and glycose testing were vapourware 

The Tame Apple Press has been claiming that Apple’s watch will soon be able to measure the wearer’s glucose levels in a noninvasive manner and check their blood pressure.

Texas judge orders the FDA to release the Pfizer vaccine data "early"
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We can’t wait 75 years because of lack of bandwidth

A federal judge in Texas ordered the Food and Drug Administration to publicise the data it relied on to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine,

US Cyber Command takes first offensive action
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Not saying who it attacked

US Cyber Command task force executed what is being described as its “first offensive cyber effect operation” against real-world cyber threats.

Python was the programming language of the year
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Four points to Slytherin

TIOBE Index has named Python as the programming language of 2021.

Salesforce forces two factor ID on customers
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It is for your own good

Customer management platform Salesforce said that customers must have multi-factor authentication (MFA) turned on starting next month, or they won’t be able to access their accounts.

Tim Cook makes 1,447 times more than average Apple employee
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Nearly $100 million a year

Apple boss Tim Cook's pay in 2021 was 1,447 times that of the average employee at the tech giant, thanks mostly to stock awards that helped him earn a total of nearly $100 million.