Published in
24 March 2017
Corsair unveils its One systems
Couple of different models
Following its earlier push in the PC system market with Bulldog barebone, Corsair has now unveiled its fully-assembled PC system called the One.

Published in
15 November 2016
MSI shows off new Trident VR-ready system
Calls it the smallest VR-ready gaming PC
With virtual reality gaining traction with Oculus Rift and HTC Vive VR headsets and with system requirements getting lower, MSI has decided that it is the right time to come up with a small and portable gaming system that is also VR-Ready, the MSI Trident.
23 October 2012
System update 4.3 headed to PS3
Will end Folding@home support
08 August 2012
Amazon defeats the dodgy postman
Creates its own delivery system
10 March 2012
Diablo III to launch without PvP
Will be added via update
07 November 2011
US patent system is broken
Google states the obvious
06 October 2010
Kinect setup has some requirements

Need to be 6 to 8 feet from the sensor