Windows insider preview build 10166 surfaces
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Bug fixing, still not RTM

Microsoft has just released the latest preview build of Windows 10 and the focus is on big fixing and fit and finish touches.

World's leading operating system is Windows 7
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Looks like that tablet idea was really daft

The world's most popular operating system is still Windows 7, as Microsoft really regrets wasting its time with a tablet interface in Windows 8.

Microsoft wants to give beta testers free Windows 10
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Even if you used clean install

Microsoft has said that the update from Windows 7 or 8.1 to Windows 10 is free but you have to own a legal version of the Windows. 

Windows PowerShell gets OpenSSH
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Microsoft even closer to Linux

Microsoft is taking steps to give its Powershell more control over Linux machines by adopting OpenSSH.

IDC sees second life for business tablets
Published in Mobiles

Consumers not so much

Beancounters at IDC have consulteed their tarot cards and are predicting that tablets will survive in the business area.

Windows 10 will be the last version of Windows
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Microsoft runs out of fingers

Software giant Microsoft has given up on having any more versions of Windows. If you don't like Windows 10 you are stuck with it.

Nvidia Streaming service limits performance of Geforce graphics cards
Published in Graphics

Disabling it yields 3- to 5-percent of improvement

Reddit users have discovered a neat trick that enables Nvidia Geforce users to get a frame-rate increase by disabling Nvidia Streaming service.

Japan's nuclear industry reveals XP addiction
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What could possibly go wrong?

Japan's nuclear industry, which has not been particularly lucky in recent years, might be suffering from a bad case of addiction to Windows XP.

Windows becomes Oculus Rift compatible
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Working in virtual reality

Finally Windows can runs in an Oculus Rift style virtual reality which is called Virtual Desktop.

Apple expels Windows 7 from garden of earthy delights
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Lost the business case 

Fruity cargo cult Apple has decided that Microsoft's venerable Windows 7 needs to be expelled from its walled garden of earthly delights.