EA not buying CD Projekt Red
Published in Gaming

Daft rumour of the week

CD Projekt Red has issued a formal statement denying a daft rumour that it might be selling itself to EA Games.

The Witcher 3 sells over 4 million copies in two weeks
Published in Gaming

CD Projekt Red promises more to come

CD Projekt Red has announced that it managed to sell over 4 million copies of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt game.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt gets its launch trailer
Published in Gaming

Quite an impressive cinematic trailer

While getting some rather impressive scores from well known review sites, CD Projekt Red has now released the final launch trailer for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, which should officially launch on Tuesdays, May 19th.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 4K/UHD screenshot released
Published in Gaming

Showing the power of PC

While we already know that we still have not seen The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt in its full glory, we now have a first 4K/UHD screenshot from the game.

Nvidia bundles The Witcher 3 with GTX 900-series graphics cards
Published in Graphics

GTX 980, GTX 970, GTX 960 and GTX 970M and above

Nvidia has announced its latest bundle which will include CD Projekt Red's upcoming The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt game bundled with Geforce GTX 980, GTX 970, and GTX 960 discrete cards, as well as notebooks with Geforce GTX 970M and above GPUs.

cdprojektred logo

Impressive piece of CGI