Firefox and Chrome might appear on iOS
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Apple considering letting through rivals

Mozilla and Google have apparently sent their teams back to work developing separate versions of their existing browser apps in the hope that Apple might lift its restrictions on side apps rather than declare a "special operation" on the EU.

Apple results dire
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03 February 2023

Apple results dire

Blames everyone else but itself 

Fruity cargo-cult Apple has rushed to blame everyone else but its own lack of innovation and management for what are its worst results in seven years.

First gen iPhone sold for $50,000
Published in Mobiles

Half the original price -- who says these things can't keep their value?

A first generation, unopened 2007 iPhone is expected to sell for more than $50,000 when it goes to auction today.

Watchdog barks at Apple’s staff management policy
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Staff are allowed to complain about health and safety

Former Apple staffer turned health and safety whistleblower Ashley Gjøvik (pictured) said that the US National Labour Relations Board has found merit in two of her complaints against the fruity cargo cult Apple.

Apple sued for not providing good enough privacy
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Apple sued for not providing good enough privacy. Users complain that the company told them it was brilliant.

The Fruity cargo cult Apple is in hot water for not providing users with the privacy it claimed.

Apple’s overpriced cheese grater will not allow graphics upgrades
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Does not look like you can upgrade anything on the thing

Fruity cargo cult Apple does not look like it will be allowing businesses who have shelled out up to $50,000 on its Mac Pros to carry out GPU upgrades.

Apple wants to shift a quarter of its production to India
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China getting too problematic

Fruity cargo-cult Apple wants to shift its production to a place where it will have less trouble with the authorities and has settled on a place which is great for worker pay and conditions -- India.

Apple watch doxed its owner
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Armed offenders called 

Armed police were called to an Australian gym after an Apple watch doxed its owner and called them.

Apple’s new Homepod sounds same as the old one
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Just a bit cheaper

Early reviewers of Apple’s Homepod are supprised that the speaker system sounds exactly the same as the old one which Jobs’ Mob discontinued two years ago.

Apple TV users forced to buy an iPhone
Published in Mobiles

Otherwise your device is just another brick in the wall

Apple is forcing its Apple TV users to buy an iPhone.