Although some of these price cuts have been detailed before, the novelty are lower prices for some Sandy Bridge SKUs. The price cuts will happen in September and October and the full list includes a Core i7-2600S and a bunch of Core i5 that you can see in the table below. Unfortunately, the most noticable price cut is on the Core i7-2600S SKU and it's a mere US $12, from US $306 to US $294.
The rest of the price cuts will follow up in October with Core i3-2120 getting a price cut from US $138 to US $117. The Pentium G630 and G850 will get a price cut from US $75 and US $86 to US $64 and US $75.
After the price cuts, the Core i3-2120 will have an identical price to Core i3-2100 while the PEntium G850 and G630 will have the same price as the G840 and G620 which means that they are surely going away.
You can check out more details here.