Intel plans to refresh its Celeron offering and its idea is to launch three new mobile CPUs in September 2011.
This is going to happen just at the right time for back to school and all mobile Celerons will remain at under 2GHz clock speed, but they are all based on the new 32nm Sandy Bridge core. The top one is Celeron B840, a dual core with two treads and naturally no Celeron supports Turbo overclocking. It works at 1.9GHz and it has 2MB of cache. Once it gets launched in September it will sell for $86.
The second one is Celeron B800, again a dual core with 2MB cache and no turbo, but this one works at rather modest 1.5GHz. This one is also priced at $86 and its beyond me why would you buy a slower clocked same spec for the same money.
The last newcomer is a single core called Celeron B710 and this one works at 1.6GHz and has as single core. The lack of a second core allows it to end up with a $70 price tag, the lowest price at which Intel sells Celerons to its notebook partners.
Celeron T3500 dual core clocked at 2.1GHz and Celeron 925 single 2.3GHz core both based on Pennryn 45nm core are also scheduled to be phased out of Celeron mobile roadmap by the end of Q3 2011.
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PC Hardware
Three new mobile Celerons in September

Two dual and one single
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