Fears UK government is handing over NHS data to US overlords
Concern about motivations of US tech companies
A campaign group has written to UK health secretary Matt Hancock calling for greater openness in the government’s embrace of private-sector tech companies contracted to provide a data store and dashboards as part of the NHS response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

UK government threatens to shut down social media
Unless they remove harmful content
The UK conservative party, which brought you Brexit and austerity, has decided it will shut down social media sites on health grounds if they do not do what they are told.

NHS told to ditch fax
For god’s sake, this is the 21st century
The UK’s NHS has been told to pull its finger out and get rid of the fax machine system and replace it with something a little more modern.

Apple Siri intervenes in Syria debate
Hey Mr Speaker, what's an iPhone?
A UK minister was interrupted by Siri when he was making a speech in the Houses of Parliament today.

Government pushes to ban smartphones in schools
Phoney war breaks out
A senior minister in Theresa May's fragile UK government said schools should ban the use of mobile phones.