Apple pulls botched AI news product
Half baked
Red-faced cargo cult Apple has pulled its AI news product after it was universally declared as accurate as a Russian government announcement about the Ukrainian war.

Arm plans massive price hike
Up to 300 per cent
British chip technology supplier Arm wants to jack up tits royalty rates by up to 300 per cent and develop its own chips in a move that could place it in direct competition with its largest customers.

Apple in more trouble with the EU
Turns out you can’t fool them
The fruity cargo cult Apple is in hot water again with the EU regulators after its much-hyped plan to liberalise its app store fees has turned out to cost developers more.

Zuckerberg slams Apple innovation myth
Fruity cargo cult has not done anything new for ages
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg shocked the Tame Apple press by committing public heresy.

Apple speaks after paying out on privacy lawsuit
We still did nothing wrong, it was broke when we got there
The fruity cargo cult Apple has taken the rare step of speaking to the media after paying out millions of dollars to settle a privacy lawsuit.

Microsoft slams on the brakes for Windows 12
Wants more AI in Windows 11
Software King of the World Microsoft is not going to release a new generation of Windows and wants to jack more AI under the bonnet of Windows 11 instead.

Apple’s Intelligence proving to be a joke
Fanboys are complaining
The Fruity Cargo Cult Apple’s AI product is proving so bad that even its legion of fanboys are complaining.

Apple joins Google against the DOJ
Interesting development
Apple has made it known that it wants to join Google in the upcoming U.S. Department of Justice antitrust trial.

Siri has been spying on users
Selling their conversations for targeted advertising
Despite claiming that “unlike other companies” it was not spying on users and flogging their data to advertisers the fruity cargo cult, Apple has just paid out in a court case where it was doing just that.

Apple does not want to fund its own search engine
Just wanted to take money from Google without any effort
Fruity cargo cult Apple has told a US court that it is not interested in creating its own search engine and would rather just make a ton of cash by leeching off its best mate Google.