Oracle's cloud boss "quit" over spat with Ellison
Published in Cloud

Storm clouds?

The dark satanic rumour mill has manufactured a hell on earth yarn claiming that Oracle's head of cloud stormed out and resigned after butting heads with CEO  Larry Ellison over cloud policy.

Windows 10 improves disk management
Published in Cloud

Storage Sense will send stuff to the cloud

The next incarnation of Windows 10 will be smarter about how it frees up disk space and cleans up temporary files.

Blockchain is not secure enough for voting
Published in Cloud

Does not solve anything

The National Academies Press penned a report where it says that Blockchain technology is not strong enough to solve the US voting problem.

Art forgery could be killed off with Blockchain
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Tracking the great masters

Art forgery could become a thing of the past with the clever use of blockchain technology.

Qualcomm's President speaks on the future of servers
Published in Cloud

Cristiano talks about living on the Edge

While there has been a lot of news that Qualcomm is shutting down its server division, it looks like that is not the case.  Qualcomm's Cristiano Amon told technology analysts that the server division is here to stay, but it will focus more on edge computing.