IBM runs an AI based supercomputer
Fortunately it is using it for "good"
IBM has unveiled its "AI supercomputer" composed of a bunch of virtual machines running within IBM Cloud."

Tesla's new supercomputer caused power cut in Palo Alto
Might have a few energy problems
Tesla's new Dojo supercomputer tripped the power grid in Palo Alto even when it was only operating its first chip and training tiles.

Boffins warn that no one could control an AI supercomputer
If we are dumb enough to give a supercomputer that functionality we are truly stuffed
Top boffins have warned that if humanity ever gives a super computer AI level functions, we are as doomed as a country whose chancellor signed over most of his countries' energy needs to Russia.

AMD is now in the fastest supercomputer in the world
Exascale and super-floppy
The AMD-powered Frontier supercomputer is now the first officially recognized exascale supercomputer in the world, topping 1.102 ExaFlop/s during a sustained Linpack run.

IBM wants to make quantum supercomputers
The plan is potentially alive and dead
IBM is ready to expand quantum technology into supercomputing – a gift for Bond villains everywhere.

Tsar Putin orders glorious Russian supercomputer
Made with invincible and advanced Russian chips based on proven technology
Terrified that ordering invasions of other countries might prevent his country getting its paws on technology, Tsar Putin has ordered that a supercomputer be built around Russian-made Elbrus processors.

Meta builds AI supercomputer
What could go wrong?
Meta boffins are building a new artificial intelligence supercomputer that the company maintains will soon be the fastest in the world.

Tesla unveils Dojo supercomputer tech
Apparently calculated the existence of rice pudding and income tax before it was switched on
At its AI Day, Tesla unveiled its Dojo supercomputer technology in a move to show off its growing in-house chip design talent.

Supercomputer finds ancient Australian roads
Showing how humans spread across the continent
A team of boffins have used supercomputers to simulate 125 billion possible travel routes and reconstruct the most likely "superhighways" these ancient immigrants used as they spread across Australia.

Linux is supercomputer king
Open sauce bubbles away really fast
According to the latest Top 500 supercomputer ratings, the average speed of Linux-powered racers is now 1.14 petaflops.