Cloudflare blocked 21.3 million DDoS attacks last year
Halloween 2024 was the worst ever
Cloudflare’s autonomous DDoS defence systems thwarted approximately 21.3 million DDoS attacks in 2024, a significant 53 per cent increase from 2023.

Surge in Internet traffic in 2024
Cloudflare sees 17.2 per cent growth
Cloudflare’s 2024 Internet Traffic Report reveals a notable 17.2 per cent global surge in internet traffic, underscoring the continued expansion of the digital world.

Cloudflare beats Sable in patent war
Patent war over
Cloudflare has beaten Sable networks in a court battle over patents owned by the defunct “flow-based router” firm, Caspian Networks.

Cloudflare claims to have blocked huge DDoS attack
Peaked under 2 Tbps
Cloudflare claims to have blocked a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack that peaked at just under 2 Tbps.

Cloudstrike will stop protecting 8Chan
Sees it as a cesspool of hate
Cloudflare says it has had enough of protecting the 8chan message board which it says is a “cesspool of hate” and a key player in white terrorist incidents in El Paso, Dayton, and New Zealand mass shootings.

Cloudflare rushes to repair nasty bug
Data lost
Cloudflare got its skates on to fix a bug which could have exposed shedloads of user data.

Cloudflare sees off Troll
Judge unhappy with weaponised patent
A federal judge in San Francisco has ruled against a patent troll called Blackbird that had sued Cloudflare for patent infringement.

Cloudflare is protecting hate sites
Investigative hacks find pirates are not the only ones protected
Cloudflare is one of the most popular web platforms for hate sites, according to a site dedicated to investigative journalism.

CloudFlare leaked personal details for months
Problem fixed
CloudFlare, the popular content delivery network used by more than 5.5 million sites, accidentally leaked customers' sensitive information for months.

Apple survived New Year's Eve
But Cloudflare didn’t
Fruity tax-dodging cargo-cult Apple did not see its iPhone’s break over New Year’s Eve after the world added a “leap second”.