Acer plays the AI, deep learning, and robot games
Published in News

Focusing on transportation sector in Taiwan

Acer is expected to break into new territory in the fields of artificial intelligence, deep learning in 2017 and has begun talking with several potential clients about shipping its first in-house robotics devices, according to company CEO Jason Chen.

Acer will begin shipping larger variety of notebooks in 2017
Published in News

Education takes top priority with new ruggedized designs

This year, Acer is set to introduce a larger variety of notebook products to meet the specific needs of niche markets ranging from education, casual web browsing and productivity, and even a product themed after the local sea goddess of Taiwan.

Nvidia announces G-Sync HDR at CES 2017
Published in Graphics
Friday, 06 January 2017 15:43

Nvidia announces G-Sync HDR at CES 2017

With 4K G-Sync panels running at 144Hz

Nvidia is following AMD closely at CES 2017 show and has announced its own Nvidia G-Sync HDR, developed in cooperation with AU Optronics.

ASUS, HTC, Acer fall short of smartphone shipment targets
Published in Mobiles

Shipment delays, price competition, slower sales

According to the latest claims from industry sources, the three leading Taiwan-based smartphone vendors Asustek, HTC and Acer have all missed their target smartphone shipments for 2016 due to price competition and lower-than-expected sales in certain countries.

Acer announces business-oriented 27-inch WQHD monitor
Published in News

The 27-incher with 2560x1440 IPS panel

Acer has announced its newest professional-class monitor that features a 27-inch 2560x1440 IPS panel, the Acer BE270U.

Acer announces new 24-inch Predator XB241YU monitor
Published in News

With 1440p 165Hz TN-panel and G-Sync support

Acer has officially announced the newest monitor from its gaming Predator series, the 24-inch Acer XB241YU.

Acer plans VR backpack
Published in IoT
Thursday, 22 September 2016 12:08

Acer plans VR backpack

Only for businesses

While most of the world is looking at VR for games, it appears Acer wants to target its VR backpack for the business to business (B2B) market.

Acer displays three new gaming monitors at IFA 2016
Published in News

With Tobii eye-tracking and Nvidia G-Sync support

In addition to plenty of new notebooks and the Predator 21 X behemoth, Acer also announced three new gaming monitors at IFA 2016 show in Berlin, all with Tobii eye-tracking technology and Nvidia G-Sync support.

Acer shows off  21-inch curved gaming notebook
Published in AI
Thursday, 01 September 2016 22:57

Acer shows off 21-inch curved gaming notebook

Meet the Predator 21 X

There were a couple of rumors that Acer might be breaking the size limit of gaming notebooks and at the IFA 2016 show in Berlin, it has unveiled its newest Predator 21 X gaming notebook, which is the world's first 21-inch gaming notebook with a curved screen.

Acer reveals new Chromebooks and notebooks
Published in AI
Thursday, 01 September 2016 11:47

Acer reveals new Chromebooks and notebooks

Swiftly spinning

Acer has been showing off its new Chromebook, Swift notebooks and Spin convertible laptops ahead of the IFA consumer electronics trade show in Berlin.