Published in
Monday, 29 February 2016 13:27
AMD Dooms Nvidia in benchmarks
A 4K thrashing
AMD has apparently given Nvidia a good thrashing at 4K in early benchmarks of Doom.

Published in
Tuesday, 21 July 2015 08:58
Galax Geforce GTX 980 Ti OC hits the shops
Not really a Galaxy
The company with identity crisis and a need to change its name every few quarters has announced availability of its Geforce GTX 980 Ti Overclocking card.

Published in
Tuesday, 14 April 2015 12:35
Nvidia playing wait and see on AMD's Radeon
Planning a spoiler
AMD is expected to show off its latest Radeon card at Computex, but the dark satanic rumour mill suggests that Nvidia has a GeForce GTX 980 Ti spoiler up its sleeve.