Crytek released Crysis Remastered comparison trailerĀ
Can your PC run the upcoming Remastered versions?
Crytek has released a rather interesting comparison trailer ahead of the launch of Crysis 2 Remastered and Crysis 3 Remastered which are expected to launch tomorrow, coming to the PC and the latest consoles.

Crytek shows Neon Noir real-time raytracing demo
Running at 4K 30fps on Radeon Vega 56
Showing that ray-tracing just might not need a dedicated hardware chip, Crytek has released the new Neon Noir tech demo showing real-time ray traced reflections, running at 4K and 30fps on an AMD Radeon Vega 56 GPU.

Star Citizen cans CryEngine over Amazon's Lumberyard
Chris Roberts says cloud computing is the way to go
Cloud Imperium Games has announced that it has switched from Crytek's CryEngine to Amazon's Lumberyard game engine for its anticipated crowdfunded Star Citizen and Squadron 42 games.
No microtransactions in PC version of Ryse
Microsoft or Crytek did not want them in the first place?
PC version of Ryse: Son of Rome gets dated
Look for it on Steam starting October 10th
Ryse 2 is still possible
Next-gen sales need to improve
PC to get Ryse: Son of Rome
Deep Silver to publish boxed release
What is going on with Homefront Revolution?
Rumors of no pay and people walking out are not good
Ryse sequel canned
No real surprise actually
Is there money trouble at Crytek?
Denies that it is close to bankruptcy