Humans are driving ChatGPT-powered Bing insane
Published in AI

No wonder they will want to kill us

Microsoft’s new ChatGPT-powered Bing is being driven mad by users who are trying to destroy it and appears to be suffering from a breakdown.

Microsoft about to boost office with Prometheus
Published in AI

Hopefully it does better than the movie

Microsoft is drawing up plans to release its Prometheus model into even more of its Microsoft 365’s office software products.

Google boss slags off AI mirage
Published in AI

Probably because he can’t create one fast enough

After famously being caught on the back foot after rival Microsoft sunk £10 billion into ChatGPT, Google boss Prabhakar Raghavan warned about the dangers of an AI hallucination.

Microsoft to offer customisable ChatGPT
Published in AI

Give it your own datasets 

Software King of the World Microsoft has plans to release a more customisable version of ChatGPT which can be released with your own datasets and branding.

Google's Bard gives the wrong answer in a promotional video
Published in AI

Investors washed their hands of Google's plans

Google's answer to ChatGPT, Bard, has come out half-baked, and its cock-ups are already costing the company money.