Robotic companies – don't box us in!
Published in AI
Thursday, 20 June 2019 21:48

Robotic companies – don't box us in!

Mike Magee's Rave: Blatant disregard of Isaac Asimov's law of robotics

Earlier this week I had a missive from a large energy company which I won't name.  Oh, I may as well.

Sex Robots could be hacked to become killers
Published in AI
Wednesday, 27 February 2019 10:15

Sex Robots could be hacked to become killers

What a way to go

Sex robots could be hijacked by hackers and used to cause harm or even kill people.

Men more at risk during the robotic revolution
Published in News

Robots will not dare take on women

A new study from the Brookings Institution has found that automation will impact men at a higher rate than women.

Things should be much better next year than the 1980s
Published in News

Issac Asimov’s predictions for 2019

In 1983, American writer Isaac Asimov wrote that by 2019, “It is quite likely that society, then, will have entered a phase that may be more or less permanently improved over the situation as it now exists”.