Published in News

West & Zampella launch Respawn Entertainment

by on13 April 2010


New studio to be based in Encino, California

As our sources had confirmed for us yesterday, Jason West and Vince Zampella (formerly of Infinity Ward) have confirmed the creation and launch of their new development studio, which will be called Respawn Entertainment. While Respawn does not have so much as a logo yet, the studio is expected to be located in Encino, California just over the hill from Los Angeles.

While West and Zampella were short on specifics, we do know that the studio is being backed by Activision, a huge rival to Electronic Arts, and titles coming from the studio will be distributed through the EA Partners program.  Respawn will be an independent studio and not an Electronic Arts-owned operation.

While the duo have not announced what their first game or development effort might be, our sources tell us that Respawn will not have any involvement in either the Battlefield or Medal of Honor franchises.  West and Zampella are currently looking for office space as well as developer talent to fill their new studio. West and Zampella have some ideas of what they might like to develop next, but nothing is set in stone at this time.

According to sources, it could be as long as late 2011 before we see anything coming out of the development efforts at Respawn. It will take time to hire talent and bring everything together and ramp up to get a new project on track. Whispers suggest it might be as long as 2012 before we see the first big title to arrive from Respawn. While there is always risk involved, insiders tell us that the decision to back the duo isn’t a difficult one.  Most view these two as hot properties with the touch to turn anything that they work on into gaming gold.

We will have to see if this is the case, but just don’t expect to hear much from Respawn for a while. Whispers that we hear, however, suggest that many developers that have worked with the duo in the past are eager to sign on with Respawn. We do think that Respawn will have their pick of some of the best talent available, which could make Respawn a major player going forward.

Activision is claiming that the news comes as no surprise to them and just goes to prove the claims made by the company in the suit brought against the duo. Of course, Activision is said to be privately telling those that will listen that they have the core team at Infinity Ward necessary to continue, and the deep talent pool (with all of the recent studio layoffs) gives them a good amount of talent to draw from, should they need to fill in any gaps.

Last modified on 13 April 2010
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