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Don't watch ?porn? while TV cameras are in the building

by on03 February 2010


Charlie Runkel live

A Macquarie Bank
worker is in deep hot water after he was captured watching internet snaps of a half-naked photographs on Live TV.

The banker's computer screen was highly visible to the television audience, who were tuning in to catch up on the latest interest rate decision by the Reserve Bank of Australia. Martin Lakos gives his analysis while one of his colleagues sizes up a model's assets. He was seen watching three pictures before a mate wandered over to say that he was on the telly.

The banker glanced over his shoulder before the man doing the talking, Martin Lakos, crossed back to newsreader Chris Bath in the studio. Macquarie and the Seven network both issued press statements. Seven cross that it was showing a scantily clad woman who was not selling something before watershed and Macquarie who is fuming at the bloke for his unacceptable use of technology.

Internet users have pointed out that the snaps were not porn, were safe for work, published in GQ and were splashed all over the internet yesterday. Ironically they were published by the same newspaper who was baying for the banker's head on a plate – the Daily Mail. (A publication well known for its integrity. sub.ed.)
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