When Hulu Plus arrives on your Xbox 360 today, 360 owners will be excited to learn that they will be able to sample Hulu Plus for free till May 6th. The free Hulu Plus trial will be available to both Silver and Gold Xbox Live members.
The free trial of Hulu Plus is being sponsored in part by Jack Link’s Beef Jerky, according to our sources. The Xbox 360 Hulu Plus interface, as we told you, is very much like the Netflix interface; and we have been told that it will offer Kinect support right from the start.
If you like it and want to keep it after the trial, it will cost you $7.99 per month. Until we have had more of a chance to compare it with Netflix, it is hard to say which the better $7.99 per month streaming option is. Rest assured, we will dig into it and let you know our thoughts, because who can pass up a free trial these days?
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360 users to get Hulu Plus for free

Only for a trial period that ends May 6th