A number of employees of Realtime Worlds are expressing their feelings about the recent demise of the company that has entered administration. It seems that the common theme in the accounts that we have seen posted on the Internet (as well as those that we have heard) seem to center on very poor business decisions that just killed the company.
While some suggest that the situation with the release of APB didn’t help matters much, the pricing structure of the game and the business decisions behind the title did, at least, contribute to the situation. Still, it seems many former employees cling to the belief that company has been heading downward for some time, but it seems no one thought that the end would come so swiftly when it did arrive.
Of course, you have to feel for these workers who have had their lives shattered as a result of the situation; but perhaps the reported discontent that many were said to have could have been a clue that it was time to leave before they lost a month’s worth of pay plus unused holidays that they had accumulated.
In the end, it seems that many of the leaders expected a white knight to arrive and save the company from itself, and when it didn’t happen, it was just over and all of the leadership seemed to be surprised. While some contend that the lack of a solid business plan or a flawed business plan that seems to favor strategic vision over day-to-day execution also didn’t help matters much. While APB might have been the straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak, it would seem that the end was set in motion long ago, as one former employee explained to us.
It does seem that at least many of the employees do think that both the MyWorld project as well as APB could be saved with some work. “There are a lot of good things in both the MyWorld project as well as APB, and with some work it is possible that MyWorld could be successful and APB could be turned around. The real question is if anyone is willing to take on that kind of risk,” one former employee told us.
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Realtime World developers speaking out

Employees claim bad decisions were the problem