Self-checkout tech flop
Published in News

Shoppers and stores lost out

Self-checkout at stores had failed mainly as a technology, with the stores and customers losing out.

Apple ditches blood-oxygen feature to dodge US ban
Published in News

Mysteriously can’t invent it after allat 

Apple is scrapping a blood-oxygen feature from its new smartwatches - the Series 9 and Ultra 2 - to avoid a US ban over a patent row with Masimo.

GTA star rages at AI firm for stealing his voice
Published in AI

GTA 5's Michael De Santa gets out his bat

Ned Luke, the actor who plays GTA 5's Michael De Santa, has blasted an AI firm that made an unlicensed voice chatbot based on the character and got the dodgy bot wiped from the internet.

Electric bus goes up in flames
Published in News

London's burning

A fleet of electric buses has been pulled off the roads after a doubledecker burst into flames in south London.

Atari is back
Published in Gaming
15 January 2024

Atari is back

Retro Games reveals tiny version of first gaming computer

Retro Games is bringing back the Atari 400, the first home computer that rocked as a game system, in a mini version that can play the entire 8-bit Atari range.

Internet Brands bosses beg staff to return to office in cringe video
Published in News

This sort of thing is the reason we don’t want to return

Internet Brands bosses are baffled by why the workers at the firm don't want to return to the office. They have made a toe-curling video to lure them back. But word on the street is that it is backfiring.

Boffins build a giant brain for a robot
Published in AI

One brain to rule them

Two researchers have revealed how they are creating a single super-brain that can pilot any robot, no matter how different they are.

Musk sues US labour court's right to exist
Published in News

Courts should not be allowed to investigate rich people's labour abuses

Self-styled “free speech absolutist” Elon [look at me] Musk has set his legal hounds on a US labour watchdog which objected to him firing staff who said they didn’t like him.

Apple tells 121 staff to move to Texas
Published in News

Or be fired

Apple has told 121 workers in its San Diego Siri team that they will have to move to Texas or face the sack.

Alienware unveils new QD-OLED gaming monitors at CES 2024
Published in PC Hardware

32-inch 240Hz 4K AW3225QF and 27-inch 360Hz 1440p AW2725DF

In addition to new and redesigned laptops, Alienware launched two new QD-OLED gaming monitors at the CES 2024 show in Las Vegas, including the 32-inch 240Hz AW3225QF and the 27-inch 360Hz AW2725DF.