China's chip crisis worsens
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US sanctions and deflation hit tech imports

China's chip import value plunged by 15.4 per cent in 2023, from $413 billion to $349 billion.

Google search value declining  
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Spam sites are ruining search results

According to a new study by German boffins, Google search is flooded with low-quality SEO spam.

LG's smart washer has dirty secret
Published in IoT

It goes online and uploads gigabytes of data

An LG washing machine owner was shocked that his smart home gadget uploaded a whopping 3.66GB of data daily.

Apple's goes Medieval on Beeper users
Published in Mobiles

No one expects the Spanish Inquistion

Apple has banned its customers from using iMessage on their Macs after they tried to use a rival app that lets them chat to those with better phones and personalities.

Vodafone signs AI deal with Microsoft
Published in AI

Phone giant teams up with Microsoft for AI and cloud

Vodafone has signed a 10-year deal with Microsoft to use the tech monster's artificial intelligence and cloud technology.

Phison ensures PCIe 5.0 E26 drives are ok passively cooled
Published in PC Hardware

As long as there is some breeze

The storage market has always been interesting and dynamic, one that poked attention over the last few decades. At CES, I got to meet with Chris P Ramseyer, a director of technology marketing at Phison, and shortly after William Harmon, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Sabrent.

Intel's new GPU up for a battle
Published in News

Chipzilla might not be heading for the top after all

The dark satanic rumour mill has manufactured a hell-on-earth yarn that Intel has very little expectation that its new Battlemage GPU will do much to ruffle the feathers of AMD or Nvidia.

Daft British legal system assumes computer is always right
Published in News

Only as good as the programmer

A daft British law which assumes that computer evidence is always right might be behind one of the UK’s worst miscarriages of justice.

IMF warns that AI will take 40 per cent of western jobs
Published in AI

Rich countries worst hit 

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned about AI's impact on the world's job market, saying that nearly 40 per cent of jobs could be hit.

Apple to split app store in two
Published in News

It is something King Solomon would have done

Apple is getting ready to break the App Store "in two" in the next few weeks before European Union rules that will make Apple let users download apps from anywhere.