Thank goodness we dumped VMware
Published in News

Some customers were lucky

While some VMware customers are ruing the day Broadcom took over the company, others are really happy that they jumped ship when they had the chance.

Computer pioneer dies
Published in News

Bell tolls

Gordon Bell, a luminary in the field of computing and a revered figure in the preservation of its history, has died; he was 89.

Apple chucks its toys out of the pram
Published in Mobiles

How dare the US government call us a monopoly

The fruity cargo cult Apple announced that it will demand a US  judge to strike out a lawsuit brought forth by the Justice Department and 15 states in March, which accused the iPhone manufacturer of dominating the smartphone market, disadvantaging smaller competitors, and inflating prices.

EU sets AI rule standard
Published in AI

Will probably be copied by everyone else 

Just like it did with GDPR, the EU has developed a new set of rules for AI, which the rest of the world will probably have to match.

US charges someone for AI-child abuse
Published in AI

First of its kind

In what's believed to be the first case of its kind, the US Department of Justice arrested a Wisconsin man last week for generating and distributing AI-generated child sexual abuse material (CSAM).

Lunar Lake officially in Q3 24
Published in AI

80 laptops, 20 OEM and 45+ TOPS NPU, fastest ever

Intel announced a bit more details about the next-generation notebook technology SoC codenamed Lunar Lake and synced it up with Microsoft’s Copilot+ announcement. Lunar Lake has new P and E cores, 1.5 times faster Battlemage graphics, 45+ TOPS NPU and an additional 60 TOPS from the GPU, advanced low power, and most importantly performance faster than Ryzen 7 8840U & Snapdragon X Elite. 

AMD looks set to embarrass Chipzilla in servers
Published in PC Hardware

More cores than you can poke a stick at

The dark satanic rumour mill is abuzz with news about what AMD's Zen 5 and Zen 5c architectures will look like, and it seems like the server market will be Team Red’s.

Chipzilla reveals Lunar Lake plans
Published in News

AI performance for Copilot+ PCs

Intel has unveiled plans for its forthcoming Lunar Lake client processors to be incorporated into over 80 new laptop models from more than 20 OEMs starting in the third quarter of 2024.

ChatGPT pulls Scarlett Johansson sounding AI
Published in News

Sky meets its limit

ChatGPT has withdrawn one of the voices from its conversational "Sky" ChatGPT after Scarlett Johansson raised concerns that it bore an uncanny resemblance to her voice.

Apple fixes privacy howler
Published in Mobiles

Permits users to delete their pictures for good

The red faced fruity cargo cult Apple has fixed a “feature” on iOS 17.5 that resurrected long-delete and potentially embarrassing pictures.