Apple fanboy sues Jobs’ Mob because of his divorce
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Served up his messages from prostitutes for her to read

An Apple fanboy is suing his favourite company for £5 million after his wife divorced him after reading messages he sent to prostitutes and thought he had deleted reappeared.

UK lags behind on tech skills
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Brazil looks much better 

A new report by online learning platform Coursera indicates that the UK is lagging behind other European nations in tech and business skills proficiency.

Are fake reviews coming into damage Snapdragon X Elite?
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Or did Qualcomm lie?

Something evil is afoot. Either Tame Apple Press is raining on Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Elite parade, or Qualcomm has been telling huge porkers about its new chips.

Norway fines huge rare earth deposit
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Could reduce dependence on China

Mining firm Rare Earths Norway has discovered Europe's largest confirmed deposit of highly sought-after rare earth elements.

Firefox defects to Moscow
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Putin made us an offer we could not refuse

Big Cheeses at the Mozzarella Foundation, the open saucy entity behind the web browser Firefox, are assisting Tsar Putin’s censors.

Alexa, are you OK?
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Amazon having difficulty gettting an AI upgrade on Alexa

Amazon’s Alexa, which is arguably the most advanced of the voice assistants, is having difficulties with its generative AI transformation.

Windows Recall put on hold
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Not tonight Josephine

Software King of the World, Microsoft has slammed the brakes on the launch of its “Windows Recall” AI feature after shedloads of complaints about security.

Apple scores good AI deal with OpenAI
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Please give it to use for free while we work out a way to do you over

While Microsoft had to pay $10 billion for its OpenAI deal, the fruity cargo cult Apple seems to be getting it for free.

Intel faces battle with foreign-backed patent trolls
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Gaming the system

Chipzilla is entangled in “patent troll” legal cases with the trolls backed by third-party financiers or owned by hedge funds, sovereign wealth funds, and other sophisticated investors.

SoftBank develops AI to make angry customers sound calmer
Published in AI

Taking the stress of call centre operators with an AI shield

SoftBank has developed AI voice-conversion technology to reduce call centre operators' psychological stress by altering the voices of angry customers to sound calmer.