Senators ponder stopping Putin choosing the next US government
Published in News


A bipartisan panel of US senators yesterday called for sweeping action by Congress, the White House and Silicon Valley to ensure social media sites aren't used to interfere in the coming presidential election, delivering a sobering assessment about the weaknesses that Russian operatives exploited in the 2016 campaign.

Putin's hackers are using IoT drones
Published in IoT

All your lightbulbs are belong  us 

Hackers working for the Russian government have been using printers, video decoders, and other so-called Internet-of-things devices as a beachhead to penetrate targeted computer networks, Microsoft security experts warned.

Are Putin’s teams out to slow down 5G adoption?
Published in Mobiles

Fake news targeting 5G

Conspiracy nuts are starting to target 5G development based on what Infowars and Russian backed fake news sites are telling them.

Russian outfit claims to be legit news outlet
Published in News

We are not Putin's mouthpiece, and we want its Facebook account back

A Russian company whose accountant was charged by federal prosecutors for attempting to meddle in US elections has sued Facebook claiming it is a legitimate news outlet and wants its account back.

Putin's spooks behind four international hacks
Published in News

British government complains

The British government has directly accused Russian military intelligence of being behind a spate of “reckless and indiscriminate cyber-attacks” including the hacking in 2016 of the US Democratic National Committee headquarters.

How Putin's trolls killed Star Wars
Published in News


All your views are manipulated

Russian Tsar Putin ordered his online trolls to kill off Star Wars the Last Jedi by manipulating online opinion.

Republican senators fight to keep hackers in the US elections
Published in News

Putin is helping us to win why should we stop him?

The Republican-controlled Senate has defeated a push by Democrats to set aside an additional $250 million for states to upgrade their voting systems to protect against hacking and other cyberattacks.

Russians ready to hack your car
Published in Transportation

They've got a blinking swerve

A top brass from the UK's army has warned that Vladimir Putin's cybertroops may well target British traffic lights and Belisha beacons and other vulnerable points as the move to IP based systems builds up a head of steam. 

Google to purge Putin's propaganda
Published in News

Ending the Kremlin's reign over Google News

Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman of Alphabet, says the company will purge Russian propaganda from Google News after facing criticism that Kremlin-owned media sites were given royal treatment on the search giant’s news and advertising platforms.

Russian press admits Putin’s trolls targeted activists
Published in News

Russian troll factory paid US activists to help fund protests

A respected Russian media outlet has concluded that Russian trolls posing as Americans made payments to genuine activists in the US to help fund protest movements on socially divisive issues.