Germans fascinated with two-in-ones
Published in News

Unificaton is very precise

Germany appears to be jolly interested in unification again and are fast becoming the blue-eyed poster boys for two-in-one computers.

Brits prefer smartphones
Published in Mobiles

Overtaken laptops

The British regulator Ofcom has said that smartphones have overtaken laptops as the preferred way for Britons to go online.

Windows 10 PC replacement will be slow
Published in News

Hardware industry sighs

PC makers are already predicting that any knock on demand for their product based on Windows 10 will be slow to happen.

Star Wars Battlefront gets first PC gameplay footage
Published in Gaming

4K/UHD Ultra Settings screenshots as well

With EA/DICE launching closed alpha of the Star Wars Battlefront, it was just a matter of time before get to check out some actual gameplay footage.

IT spending to slump
Published in News

Oracle from Gartner predicts 

Oracles from Gartner groups prophercy and divination department have been reading the tea leaves and come to the concluding that IT spending is going to take a dive by 5.5 percent this yea

Warner kills off Batman: Arkham Knight
Published in Gaming

Holy pants PC port Batman

Warner Bros has said "that's all folks" to the super buggy PC version of Batman: Arkham Knight.

Gartner predicts the rise of the hybrids
Published in AI

Opening the clamshell

Beancounters at Gartner have been consulting their tarot cards and are predicting that hybrid PC sales are to accelerate this year.

Toshiba shows off Satellite C laptops
Published in AI

All ready for Windows 10

Toshiba is making sure that Windows 10 does not appear with the normal load of old Tosh. It has announced a couple of new Windows 10 laptops.

Amazon getting serious about PC gaming
Published in Gaming

Not just about mobiles

Amazon has looked at the gaming market and felt that it is an area it can make a pile of dosh.

US Navy to sink IBM after Lenovo deal
Published in News

Because the US never spies on China

The US Navy is the latest to suffer from US paranoia about Chinese spying.