Robot dog can turn off your internet
Published in News
Wednesday, 24 July 2024 11:06

Robot dog can turn off your internet

If DHS gives him a biscuit

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has acquired a dog-like robot ironiclally named "NEO," modified with an antenna array which allows law enforcement to overload home networks and disable Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

Artificial intelligence is a major growth area
Published in AI

Will reach $5.26 trillion this year

Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to be a major growth area this year and beyond according to analysts Gartner.

iPhones are the paedophile’s tool of choice
Published in Cloud

Under-reporting cases

The fruity cargo cult Apple has been accused of underreporting kiddie porn cases it finds on its iCloud.

AI agents will work together soon
Published in AI
Tuesday, 23 July 2024 11:08

AI agents will work together soon

This is how the world ends

Capgemini predicts that by 2025, AI-powered agents will collaborate in a multi-agent AI system.

Intel quietly releases 14th Gen Desktop CPUs Without E-Cores
Published in News

Also adds a Core i9-14901KE Flagship With 8 P-Cores

Intel has introduced new SKUs within the family, featuring only P-Cores and no E-Core technology.

Intel has worked out what is causing its instability problems
Published in News

Microcode algorithm to blame

Intel has identified the cause of its long-running CPU instability issues and plans to deliver a fix in August.

Vendors wrecking Nvidia RTX 40-series cards with cheap paste
Published in PC Hardware

Dirty paste done dirt cheap

Hardware tester Igor's Lab found that vendors for Nvidia RTX 40-series cards are using cheap, poorly applied thermal paste, which is leading to high temperatures and consequently, performance degradation over time.

Linux is the #1 operating system in Microsoft’s Azure
Published in News

It did not give you cancer after all

Once described by the shy and retiring Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer as “cancer” Linux is now the most widely used operating system on Microsoft Azure.

AMD wants to catch up on Ray Tracing
Published in News
Monday, 22 July 2024 11:12

AMD wants to catch up on Ray Tracing

Coming to RDNA 4 GPUs

Hardware information leaker @Kepler_L2 shared a partially redacted data sheet highlighting the expected ray tracing features coming to RDNA 4 GPUs.

Chipzilla fixes instability in 13th and 14th Generation mobile chips
Published in News

Different from unfixed desktop problems

Intel has addressed reports of instability in its 13th and 14th Generation mobile processors, clarifying that the issues differ from those affecting desktop counterparts.