Project 2025 writer Brendan Carr new FCC Chairman
Expected to be Trump’s revenge on the IT industry and online media
President-elect Donald Trump has named Brendan Carr, the senior Republican on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), as the agency's new chairman responsible for regulating broadcasting, telecommunications, and broadband.

SpaceX wants to increase its bandwidth
Asked the FCC for permission
Elon [look at me] Musk has asked the FCC for permission to modify the second generation, Gen2, of Spacex’s Starlink satellite system.

FCC investigates AT&T’s network meltdown
If only they had not had to give up their Huawei technology
The FCC confirmed that it is investigating how AT&T’s network went spectacularly tits up for 11 hours yesterday.

US might get net neutrality back
If the phone companies do not get their way
US Congressional Democrats are expected to introduce a new bill codifying net neutrality in the coming weeks.

Pai goes out warning of “yellow peril”
Kicking and screaming back to the 19th century
The man who handed the internet to the US telcos has exited the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) muttering about the dangers of yellow peril.

FCC nets $66.4 billion in 5G sale
Hurry up guys there is a lot of corona virus to spread
The Federal Communications Commission's ongoing sale of wireless licences has fetched more than $66.4 billion after three weeks of bidding, a record sum that could alter mobile carriers' prospects for the next decade.

Ajit Pai cleans out his desk in January
Will go down in history as the man who sold the internet
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai has announced plans to depart the commission when President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated on 20 January.

FCC insists that ZTE is still a security threat
No proof required
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has rejected a petition from ZTE asking the agency to reconsider its decision designating the Chinese company as a US national security threat to communications networks.

FCC contradicts itself over social media regulation
It claims has the powers it said it did not have before
The FCC’s arguments that it has the power to become Donald Trump’s censor of social media contradict the arguments it used for another of its controversial decisions – ending net neutrality.

FCC to censor social networking
Thou shalt not censor Donald Trump
The Federal Communications Commission has said it will step in to ensure that social networking sites will publish and distribute anything that Donald Trump and the Republicans say.