Industry fat cats are messing with the cloud
Published in Cloud

Tech giants rip off customers with sky-high bills

Tech giants have been overcharging their customers for cloud services, threatening to damage the industry long-term.

Nvidia's cloud gaming service shows ads
Published in Cloud

So much for a free trial with no catch

Nvidia's cloud gaming service GeForce Now is about to be a bit less of a bargain - on 5 March after Nvidia announces that users will start seeing ads.

Companies get off of their clouds
Published in Cloud

Firms ditch online data for old-school servers

It is starting to look like the cloud bubble is bursting as more firms return to on-site data centres.

Cloudy with a chance of rip-off
Published in Cloud

Ex-geek warns cloud could go the same way as mainframes

A former software engineer has warned that cloud setups could end up the same way as the old mainframes,

Amazon moans to UK anti-trust body
Published in Cloud

Microsoft has been a big meanie

Amazon has told Britain's antitrust authority that its rival Microsoft uses business practices restricting customer choice in the cloud computing market. It is the second major company to criticise the US tech giant's operations.