Amazon finds ARM Graviton processor more efficient
Published in Cloud

Cloudy solutions

Amazon is to deploy an ARM-based Graviton processor. The e-commerce giant says this will lead to cost savings of up 45 per cent for "scale-out" services.

Amazon might spin off its cloud services
Published in Cloud

Top Augur sees it in the entrails

A top divination expert who has a string of viable predictions under his belt, thinks that Amazon will spin off its cloud business in the near future.

Hole found in Kubernetes’ cloud
Published in Cloud

Seen over Blackburn, Lancashire

The first security hole has been found in the open saucy cloud project software Kubernetes.

No evidence of Blockchain success
Published in Cloud

Vendors clamming up

Blockchain is being touted as a cure for cancer, but a recent study has shown that it is being sold without any successful case studies.

A third of data will be generated in real time by 2025
Published in Cloud

IDC crunches some numbers in real time

IDC number crunches have added up some numbers and divided them by their shoe size and worked out that by 2025 consumers and enterprise needs will drive the creation of real-time data.