Multi-cloud is sucking up infrastructure spend
Published in Cloud

There needs to be a better plan

NTT's ‘2020 Global Network Insights Report’ has found that as businesses move applications to multi-cloud environments, investment in the cloud is outpacing organisations’ on-premises infrastructure spend.

Dell releases new PowerScale products
Published in Cloud

Unstructured data storage

Dell EMC PowerScale, a new family of unstructured data storage products engineered to help organisations store, manage and capitalise on the massive growth of unstructured data – video, audio, images, documents, health records, and metadata.

Amazon goes EPYC
Published in Cloud
08 June 2020

Amazon goes EPYC

AMD on its cloud

AMD announced its second generation EPYC  processor is powering Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) C5a and are switched on in the AWS US East, AWS US West, AWS Europe and AWS Asia Pacific regions.

Gartner predicts a drop in IT spending for this year
Published in Cloud

But cloud still making money

Beancounters at Gartner have added up some numbers and divided them by their collective shoesize and reached the conclusion that global tech spending will drop eight percent in 2020.

Xilinx reports fiscal Q42020 and FY2020 results
Published in Cloud

$3.16 billion, data center 22 percent revenue growth

The fiscal year 2020 (April 2019 to April 2020) was a challenging year for anyone trading with China due to the US government pressures on Huawei. Despite all these challenges, Xilinx managed to make $3.16 billion revenue or three percent higher, year over year.