Hubble Network wants to build global Bluetooth satellite network
Will connect to any Bluetooth low energy (BLE) chips
Hubble Network plans to launch a constellation of 300 satellites to create a global satellite network that any Bluetooth-enabled device can connect to, anywhere in the world.

X-Sense Home Security Kit
Review: Sound the alarm!
This equipment claims to provide security monitoring and remote control to detect when a burglar attempts to fill his or her bag with your swag.

Bluetooth to release huge changes
LE Audio brings Multi-Stream Audio
Bluetooth will soon roll out some of its technology's biggest improvements in its nearly 20-year history called Bluetooth LE Audio which includes a feature called Multi-Stream Audio.

Qualcomm announces new QCC5100 low-power Bluetooth SoC
More features and longer battery life for wireless earbuds
Qualcomms said it will make QCC5100 Bluetooth SoC, and likely will provide more processing power as well as lower power consumption for wireless headphones and "hearables".

Childrens’ toys can be hacked
Beware the internet of fangs
A report from a UK consumer group, Which? said it has studied so-called “intelligent” toys and said quite a few of them are hackable.

Qualcomm shows Windows 10 on Snapdragon 835
Qualcomm set to disrupt the current Mobile PC market
Today Qualcomm announced OEM partners for Snapdragon Mobile PCs and we have a few more details about the Snapdragon 835 powered WIndows 10 powered platform.

Sex toy blabs your secrets to manufacturer
Internet of thingees
Security geeks conference Defcon in Las Vegas was much amused when two researchers showed how a sex toy was blabbing its owners sex secrets on the world wide wibble.

Microsoft Xbox One S playable at E3 2016
Refreshed console and controller available in August
At E3 2016 this week in Los Angeles, Microsoft made its new Xbox One S console playable on the show floor for attendees to try out the revised Bluetooth controller before the console officially hits store shelves in August.

Bluetooth 5 out in two days
Faster and better range
Bluetooth 5.0, the latest version of the ubiquitous wireless standard will be announced on June 16 and offer double the range and quadruple the speed of Bluetooth 4.2.

Bluetooth gets better
Longer ranges
The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) has announced a roadmap for the future of the low-level intra-device protocol.