Universal Music Group and Google want to dig up dead pop stars with AI
Keep cutting tracks long after the singer is dead
Universal Music Group and Google are considering developing a tool that people can use to create AI-generated music using popular artists' voices and melodies.

German courts order youtube-dl software site taken down
Sony, Warner and Universal get legal lebensraum
A German court has ordered hosting provider Uberspace to take the website of the open-source youtube-dl software offline. The ruling results from a copyright infringement lawsuit filed by Sony, Warner, and Universal last year. Uberspace will appeal the verdict and meanwhile, youtube-dl's code remains available on GitHub.

YouTube, Universal upgrade iconic music videos
Want to remaster the best
YouTube and Universal Music Group today announced a partnership to “remaster some of the most iconic music videos of all time”.

Investigators fear Apple is creating another illegal cartel
Is Cook the Oh my God Father?
US Investigators have sent their elite team of untouchable law enforcers to investigate the racketeering allegations against the self-styled book king of Cupertino – Apple.
Logitech's rumored new Harmony close?
Model 800 QWERTY said to be the name
BT wants to get into the music business

Wants to get users away from P2P