Security expert fined for exposing e-commerce firm's blunder
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Blunder leaked 700,000 customer records, but let's not talk about that 

A German security whiz has been slapped with a $3,300 fine for finding and reporting a gaping hole in an e-commerce firm's database, spilling almost 700,000 customer records.

Tech boss killed in horror plunge at India bash
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Stunt goes wrong

Sanjay Shah, the boss and founder of software firm Vistex, lost his life on Jan. 18 after a shocking accident at a company do in India. He was 56.

Apple’s entertainment philosophy starting to be noticed
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Hollywood Movers and shakers are starting to be miffed

Fruity cargo cult Apple’s traditional approach to its business does not sit well with the entertainment industry, which has signed up to make shows for its streaming channel.

China is a decade behind on chips
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Biden’s export bans worked, claims Gelsinger

Intel boss Pat [kicking] Gelsinger said that China is ten years behind the rest of the world regarding chip production, thanks to export controls from western countries.

Seagate shows off its hot new hard drive
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I need you to burn

Seagate has revealed the industry's first hard disk drive that uses heat to write data. 

US bans Chinese batteries for their war toys
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Because batteries can be hacked 

US  lawmakers have told the Defense Department to stop buying batteries from China's biggest makers.

Georgia Tech boffins claim to make the first graphene chip
Published in PC Hardware

Could be ten times faster 

Boffins at Georgia Tech, in Atlanta, have made what they call the world's first working graphene-based chip.

Altman wants his own AI chip factories
Published in PC Hardware

Working flat out to build fancy AI chips

OpenAI boss Sam Altman wants to build chip factories to come up with his new fancy AI models.

AI could be coming for CEOs
Published in AI

Robots will move their cheese

While CEOs have been using AI as an excuse to fire employees, the technology is making them into overpaid white elephants who should also go, according to a new study.

Brits zap flying targets with a lasers
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Drones and missiles are toast.

The British MOD has shown off its new laser weapon that can cheaply blast expensive aerial targets out of the sky.