Apple's app store sham
Published in News

Epic Games calls out tech giant's 'blatant violation'"

Epic Games, the brains behind the video game "Fortnite," has had a right go at Apple, accusing them of breaking an injunction that governs their money-spinning App Store.

Nvidia’s boss tells posh grads to lower expectations
Published in News

Resilience matters in success

Nvidia’s big boss, Jensen Huang, reckons advice like “shoot for the moon and you’ll land among the stars” is a load of tosh.

Samsung officially unveils the Galaxy A55 and A53 mid-rangers
Published in Mobiles

Both with OLED screens and decent pricing

As expected, Samsung has officially launched the Galaxy A55 5G and the Galaxy A53 5G smartphones. These are quite popular mid-range series smartphones and we are sure Samsung sells more of these than any other smartphones.

AI whiz kid Devin set to revolutionise coding
Published in AI

Engineers AI is chasing after your jobs

A new AI startup called Cognition has just lifted the kimono on a fully autonomous AI software engineer named “Devin.”

Intel Core i7-14700K drops down to $389
Published in PC Hardware

Gets you similar gaming performance as the Core i9-13900K

The sub-$400 desktop market is getting pretty crowded these days, and now, Intel's Core i7-14700K has seen a price drop down to $389 in some retail/e-tail shops.

Chip wizard Jim Keller conjures up Grayskull magic
Published in News

Moving from Zen to something more diabolical

Jim Keller, the tech sorcerer behind AMD's Zen, has pulled another rabbit out of his hat with Tenstorrent's Grayskull.

Arm's shares soar as lockup ends
Published in News

Trading frenzy kicks off

British chip whiz Arm, backed by the mighty Softbank, saw its shares jump 2.1 per cent to a nifty €118.81 after the lockup period from its mega IPO has just ended, and the market's buzzing like a beehive smeared in a jam.

Samsung's chip flip
Published in PC Hardware
13 March 2024

Samsung's chip flip

A tale of tech rivalry and AI ambition

Samsung is eyeing a chip-making method with rival SK Hynix's paws all over it.

Apple’s app store dominance under siege
Published in News

Major concession or orchestral manoeuvres in the dark?

Fruity cargo-cult Apple  has made a significant concession in its ongoing battle to maintain control over its App Store empire.

Intel's chip ship sails on amid Huawei storm
Published in News

Chipzilla can still make Chinese chips

Intel's dodged a bullet that could've seen it kiss goodbye to a fortune in chip sales to Huawei. Despite the bigwigs in Washington wringing their hands to cut off the flow, Intel's still shipping its shiny processors to the Chinese telecom titan for their laptops.