Microsoft sets up a new team dedicated to game preservation and forward compatibility
Published in News

Bond shakes but does not stir

X-box’s new queen, Sarah Bond, has been outlining her cunning plans for the game box now that the Activision-Blizzard deal is in the bag.

Microsoft prepares to embarrass Jobs’ Mob
Published in News

New “AI PCs” will clean Apple’s homemade chip's clock

Software King of the World, Microsoft, is gearing up to show off its vision for “AI PCs” next month and word on the street is that Vole is confident that its new Arm-powered Windows laptops will outdo Jobs' Mob’s M3-powered MacBook Air in CPU performance and AI-accelerated tasks.

Musk claims AI will outsmart humans by next year
Published in AI

He probably just means Tesla buyers

Elon [look at me] Musk predicted during an interview with Nicolai Tangen, the chief executive of Norges Bank Investment Management, that new AI models will outsmart humans by the end of next year.

Musk’s AI started a war on X
Published in News

Claimed Iran had carried out a heavy missile attack on Israel

Elon [look at me] Musk's platform, X, had a bit of a 'mare on 4 April 2024. A headline popped up claiming Iran had lobbed a few heavy missiles at Tel Aviv which caused quite a kerfuffle among users worldwide.

AMD open sauces MES
Published in News
08 April 2024

AMD open sauces MES

Unexpected move

AMD has decided to open source its Micro Engine Scheduler (MES) firmware for GPUs and is handing users the keys to the Radeon graphics cards kingdom.

Apple’s privacy settings are a dog’s dinner
Published in News

It seems the EU has not read them yet

The Jobs Mob's been caught with its pants down over privacy settings about as clear as a London fog.

Voyager 1 has a memory problem
Published in News

Happens with age

NASA's Voyager 1, the grand old duke of space probes, has been sending gobbledygook instead of pristine space secrets since last November, and now NASA has found the source of the problem.

SK Hynix to build memory plant in the home of XXX hamburgers
Published in News

Do you want chips with that?

SK Hynix has announced it will build a huge memory packaging facility in West Lafayette, Indiana, which is otherwise known for its hamburgers.

New Nothing Ear and Nothing Ear (a) earbuds incoming
Published in Mobiles

The announcement is set for April 18

Nothing has teased yet another announcement set for April 18 and this time around, the company is launching the new Nothing Ear and Nothing Ear (a) earbuds

AMD Radeon RX 7800 XT drops to $480
Published in Graphics

ASRock Challenger available at a promotional price

AMD has recently reduced the price of its Radeon RX 7700 XT, which made it very popular with gamers, and now it is time for the Radeon RX 7800 XT. The Radeon RX 7800 XT was apparently doing quite well, and with the new adjusted price which puts it at $479.99, it should do even better.