HP comes up with stackable modular monitors
Published in News

Composable microLED monitors like Lego

HP boffins  have introduced a concept for a new type of modular monitor called "composable microLED monitors."

MSI readies EPYC processors at Computex 2024
Published in PC Hardware

Computex 2024: Showing off from tomorrow

MSI is set to lift the kimono its new AI and computing platforms featuring the 4th Gen AMD EPYC processors at Computex 2024 in Taipei, Taiwan, from June 4-7.

GPU use set to grow even faster
Published in Graphics

Market value of GPUs set to increase 

The use of graphic applications on computers and mobile devices is significantly increasing the market value of GPUs.

AI could easily replace CEOs and senior executives
Published in AI

A simple one should do it

While many senior executives think they will be sitting pretty as AI takes other jobs, the New York Times reports that this might not be true.

Russia builds its first photolithography tool
Published in News

Who needs 2nm when you can have a glorious 350 nm?

Tsar Putin’s glorious Russian empire has invented superior photolithography, which will show the West who has the best technical prowess.