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The great best buy rip off

by on28 December 2009


We will give you free software, free, gasp

Best Buy was so keen to encourage punters to its Christmas sales it offered them free software if they bought a CD from certain Interscope musicians.

According to the adverts if you bought the CD you could download Tweetdeck for iPhone absolutely free. Gosh, what a generous deal.  Of course you could only get the software Free if you bought it with selected CD's but what did punters expect?  After all it is part of a promotion it wouldn't be free if you could buy what you liked would it?

The answer is actually yes. Tweetdeck is totally free and you can download it from the world wide wibble without hurting your holiday spending money at all. To make matters worse the custom version of Tweetdeck comes pre-loaded following sixteen Interscope musicians, so it's even less of a deal.

Not surprisingly the Consumerist Magazine has dubbed the outfit “Worst Buy” .
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