Kaspersky man charged with treason
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AV outfit says it is nothing to do with us

The AV world is a bit shocked by the arrest of Kaspersky Lab’s security expert Ruslan Stoyanov on charges of treason.

Russia expanding hacker team
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Team has been growing for three years

After his success gaming the US election to put a more Russian friendly president into the White House, Tsar Putin is expanding his glorious three year old cyber warrior team.

German spies fear another Putin “fake news” campaign
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Putting in another government he likes

German spooks are worried that after Tsar Putin’s hackers managed to get Donald “Prince of Orange” Trump elected, he is about to use them to select a German government which will do what he tells them.

Russians exploit Windows hack
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Mr Putin says thanks very much Google

Russian hackers are taking advantage of the information on a zero day Windows flaw that Google gave them to hack western machines.

US certain that WikiLeaks is part of Putin’s propaganda machine
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Assange’s US hate has got the better of him

Remember the days when Wikileaks did decent work and provided a valid channel for whistleblowers? Well it looks like those days have long gone and the outfit has become a tool of Tsar Putin’s propaganda machine.

Russians failed to deliver Wikileak's smoking gun
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No wonder Assange backed down

Wikileaks was supposed to deliver the smoking gun which would finish off Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign on Tuesday, but it looks like Tsar Putin’s hackers did not actually have the goods.

Tsar Putin declares war on Microsoft
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Own glorious  version of “Office” and Windows on five year plan

Tsar Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is ordering a purge of all things Microsoft from the glorious Russias.

Putin denies Democratic party hack
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But says it was a “public service”

Tsar Vladimir Putin has denied that his elite team of hackers were behind the hack of the Democratic Party, but does say who ever did it was carrying out a public service.

Russian whistleblower on run from Putin’s hackers
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Woman who exposed Russian doping scandle fears for her life

A Russian athlete who blew the whistle on Russian attempts to hide its wide scale doping of athletes says she is on the run from Tsar Putin’s hackers.

"Arrogant" Apple falls foul of Tsar Putin
Published in Mobiles

Price fixing allegations

Fruity cargo cult Apple's arrogant attitude to its business partners might have earned it a price fixing court case in Tsar Putin's Russia.