Published in PC Hardware

The new Atom supports Vista

by on02 July 2009


And XP, and Windows 7

Intel's Pine Trial-D platform, the one with new Atom Diammondwille all integrated generation will feature support for many operating systems.

The first in line is Windows XP Starter Home Edition, something that Microsoft still plans to sell for the next year or at least until June 30th 2010. The interesting part is that vendors will be able to use XP a year after Windows 7 launch, but only for single cores and for duals they will have to reach out and buy the more expensive Windows 7.

The relatively unpopular Vista Starter and Basic Edition will be available for some emerging markets and as you can imagine the fancy Aero glass won’t work nor is it supported on these Vista versions. The other limitation is very weak DirectX 9 graphics that is just enough for Vista basic logo.

Windows 7 as we said before will be available for nettop platforms and Pine Trial D new Atoms in Starter and Home basic edition and we are quite sure that the fancy Aero won’t be the part of it, due the bad graphics on the platform.

The last option is Moblin 2.0 Linux or other compatible Linux distributions.

Last modified on 02 July 2009
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