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Network equipment booming

by on09 February 2010


Most see January revenues up

It seems
that corporate clients are rushing to update their aging network gear. According to figures released by the various outfits revenues for January 2010 have increased dramatically.

This is thanks to recovered demand, particularly from the telecoms companies which have had to upgrade a lot of their kit. Mobile outfits have been extending their broadband capabilities.

Arcadyan Technology saw its revenues more than double to US$39.69 million in January. This is the outfits highest monthly figures. Alpha Networks revenues have gone up by 82 per cent, Wistron by 44 per cent, Accton by 44 per cent and Zyxel by nine percent.

We should point out that these figures come from Taiwan which has been flogging lots of gear to China. China has been spending a small fortune upgrading its 3G networks
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