Published in News

US looks for cyber war allies

by on15 February 2010


For a battle which has not taken place


The US government is apparently looking for a coalition of the willing to take on cyber warriors. The US Defence Department estimates more than 100 foreign intelligence agencies have tried to hack into its systems, with its networks probed thousands of times a day.

According to the Sydney Morning News the US is formulating a cyber warfare doctrine which will be critical in deciding how the US Empire and its client kingdoms will respond to cyber attacks. Apparently the US is not certain if China is an ally or an enemy and is snuffling around its military chums to see if there are common areas in which they can work together.

While terrorists are finding it difficult to get bombs to go off they are having some success stuffing up Western networks and while it does not inspire terror it does keep their agenda at the top of the newspaper list.

However other commentators have pointed out there is little evidence of cyber warfare taking place anywhere and many attacks are overstated.

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