Published in News

France's new internet piracy law comes in

by on04 January 2010


The world wonders if it will work

France's surrender to the Entertainment industry by creating a “three strikes and you are out” law against pirates comes into force today.

The law was passed after a long struggle in parliament opposition from groups opposed to internet restrictions. Illegal downloaders will be sent a warning e-mail, then a letter if they continue, and finally must appear before a judge if they offend again.The judge can impose a fine, or suspend their access to the internet.

The movie and music industry claim that the law will mean about two thirds of the people will stop their illegal usages of the internet after the first warning. After the second message more than 95% will finish with that bad usage.

Others say that serious pirates will just work out a way around the law and only ordinary people will be caught. Either way the world will be watching France to see if the law reduces pirating or is just yet another attempt to govern the ungovernable.


Last modified on 04 January 2010
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