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Microsoft patents guardian angels

by on31 March 2010


Software predicts and acts on what you do next

has patented the idea of a Guardian Angel piece of software which uses AI to predict what you are going to do next. The patent is for an "intelligent personal agent" that could predict a user's wants and actions.

So, if you are visiting the shops, the shopping mall and the software's artificial intelligence knows it's lunchtime, finds you a restaurant with your favorite food, check for seating availability, and make lunch reservations.

It was invented by Bill Gates and Ray Ozzie who had the idea in 2006 probably over a liquid lunch. It has taken Redmond this long to get the patent. Goodness knows what Redmond's plans are now that it has it.

According to the patent the "intelligent personal agent in social interactions by indicating whether the user has met an individual before, to gauge the appropriateness of jokes or comments given the demographics of the audience."

The “guardian angel” uses environmental factors with past, present, and/or future preferences as well as attributes of the user to suggest options in a decision-making process. Well, thinking is so difficult on a Monday morning anyways.

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