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Steve Ballmer fires bloke for not "Binging"

by on21 December 2009


It could be true

A video of a bloke who claims he was fired by Steve Ballmer for not shouting the word "Bing" with enough enthusiasm has gone viral. The video uploaded to YouTube on the 16 December was released by a supposed former Microsoft employee explaining why he no longer works at Microsoft.

He claims that Ballmer fired him because he didn't say Bing with enough enthusiasm during a meeting over which had the best name Google or Bing. Ballmer said that Bing was better because it was only one syllable and he pointed at employees and shouted at them to say "Bing" to prove his point.

The unnamed employee does a brilliant impression of Ballmer and says that he tried to say Bing but could not muster enough intensity for the Microsoft CEO who fired him on the spot. While it is brilliant comedy, there are some questions about whether the video is real or not.

What is perhaps alarming for Steve is that if it is a fake a lot of people believe that it is likely. You can see the video here and make up your own mind.

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