ARM supercomputer delayed
Published in PC Hardware
07 September 2016

ARM supercomputer delayed

Not ready for 2020

Fujitsu's ARM-powered supercomputer, the Post-K, is not going to be ready for 2020 as planned.

Intel to re-enter foundry business
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Deja vu

Chip giant Intel said at its Developer Forum in San Francisco that it will license ARM technology and offer smartphone makers the chance to make microprocessors using its 10 nanometer fabrication technique.

Rumor is that ARM will target Intel
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Chipzilla tortoise everything we know

People are still wondering why Japanese giant SoftBank paid over the odds for plucky British chip designer ARM earlier this month.

ARM deal was all about the internet of things
Published in PC Hardware

But the rest of SoftBank’s logic is bizzare

Japan’s SoftBank surprise buy out of British chip designer ARM was all about getting its foot in the door into the internet of things.

Knight’s Landing beating Nvidia
Published in PC Hardware

Only a flesh wound

Bad news for Nvidia as supercomputer maker Cray said that that Intel’s Knights Landing giving Nvidia a run for its money.

Softbank’s shareholders furious over ARM deal
Published in PC Hardware

Share price falls faster than Apple’s

While many people reacted with horror to the news that ARM had been sold to the Japanese Softbank, the naysayers were mostly on ARM’s side. But it seems that Softbank is having trouble selling the idea to its own shareholders.

ARM sells for an arm and a leg
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It’s not good news

The decision to sell ARM to SoftBank for £24.3 billion has been deprecated by its founder, Hermann Hauser, but praised by the new British prime minister, Theresa May.

ARM is turning Japanese
Published in PC Hardware

£24 billion, I really think so

British chip designer ARM   has just agreed to be bought  by the Japanese giant SoftBank for £24 billion.

Qualcomm to debut with 10nm Server CPU
Published in PC Hardware

More attractive ARMs 

Today we said how ARM server maker Cavium had acquired Qlogic and it has announced its first ARM based servers with Gigabyte. But it It looks like Cavium will get some serious competition as Qualcomm plans to release its own 10nm server chips. 

Atom server chips might be toast
Published in PC Hardware

Intel is walking away like Craig David

The dark satanic rumour mill is suggesting that Intel is about to kill off its Atom’s for server programme.