Linux scheduler issue claims garbage
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Says Linus Torvalds

Linus Torvalds says that claims by C++ game developer Malte Skarupke that his spinlocks experiments had discovered the Linux kernel had a scheduler issue were garbage.

Google Now bans some Linux web browsers
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Nothing to do with how they handle adverts and tracking, honest

Google is now banning the popular Linux browsers named Konqueror, Falkon, and Qutebrowser from logging into Google services because they may not be secure.

Linux VPN connections can be hacked
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Too easy to p p pick up a penguin

Insecurity experts at Breakpointing Bad have found aa new vulnerability allowing potential attackers to hijack VPN connections on affected *NIX devices and inject arbitrary data payloads into IPv4 and IPv6 TCP streams.

Google wants to use the Linux kernel
Published in Mobiles

No longer heavily modified

Google has been talking about getting Android as close as possible to the mainline Linux kernel.

Linux is supercomputer king
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Open sauce bubbles away really fast

According to the latest Top 500 supercomputer ratings, the average speed of Linux-powered racers is now 1.14 petaflops.

OS prepared for the end of the world
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Armageddon outa here

Collapse OS is a new open-source operating system built for use during humanity's darkest days.

Linus is not worried about Microsoft take over
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How I quit worrying and learnt to love the Vole

While other open sorcerers are worried about Microsoft's influence on their community, IT's Mr Sweary Linus Torvalds is not too concerned.

Torvalds approves kernel lock-down
Published in PC Hardware

Thou shalt not change the kernel code

Over the weekend, IT's Mr Sweary Linus Torvalds approved a new security feature for the Linux kernel, named 'lockdown'.

Huawei sells Matebooks with Linux
Published in PC Hardware

2019 is the year of the Linux notebook don't ya know?

Huawei is now flogging the Matebook 13, Matebook 14, and Matebook X Pro in China with Deepin Linux preinstalled.

Microsoft wants Linux to get exFAT
Published in PC Hardware

To facilitate the development of “conformant, interoperable implementations

Software King of the World Microsoft said it is supporting the addition of its exFAT file system to the Linux kernel. To facilitate the development of “conformant, interoperable implementations”.