AMD releases Pro APU
Published in PC Hardware
30 September 2015

AMD releases Pro APU

Based on Godaveri and Carrizo

Troubled chipmaker AMD's has launched its Pro APUs quietly with just one major customer so far, the maker of expensive printer ink HP.

Right-wing blogs wade into Fiorina's HP past
Published in News

Deals which come back to haunt you

Now that the former HP queen Carly Fiorina's presidential campaign seems to be doing well, some of the right wing blogs are digging up some old stories on her HP past.

HP tries Ancient Roman punishment on staff again
Published in News

Decimation again

When the Ancient Roman army suffered from poor performance it decimated its army – killing ten percent as warning to the rest.  

Dell warns about industry consolidation
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Top three will hold 80 per cent of the market

The top three global PC makers will control 80 per cent of the market as companies are forced to consolidate, warned tin box shifter Michael Dell.

Server shipments grow
Published in News
01 September 2015

Server shipments grow

Gartner's latest report warns of a slowing

Beancounters at Gartner have added up the numbers and divided by their shoe size and decided that server shipments have grown by eight per cent.

HP continues to suffer
Published in News

Revenue drops

The maker of expensive printer ink, HP is continuing to suffer, torturing itself with a ruthless restructuring.

HP thinks the future is Flash
Published in News

It will save everyone of us

The maker of jolly expensive printer ink, HP believes that there is now a move from legacy storage environments to flash-based systems.

HP's future machine nearly ready for developers
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Product five years away

A prototype of Hewlett-Packard's Machine computer is nearly ready for partners to develop software on by next year.

Restructuring HP suffers pains in bottom line
Published in News

Still better than expected

The maker of expensive printer ink, predicted that it would cost a fair bit to cut itself up even as it reported a better-than-expected quarterly profit.

HP outs AMD R9 380
Published in Graphics

Envy Phoenix desktops will have them

HP says its upcoming Envy Phoenix desktops will feature none other than "AMD R9 380" graphics, even if AMD still hasn't publicly confirmed the existence of its GeForce "killers."